Leisure Village Women's Club
Thursday, January 23rd - 3:00pm
Social Hour
Join us for some social time in the Garden Room. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Please RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Tuesday, Feb 4th 10:00am (Multipurpose Room)
Board Meeting
Join us for our monthly board meeting.
Everyone in the club is welcome!
We'd love to hear your ideas!
Thursday, Feb 6th 1:30pm - 3:00pm
(LV Garden Room)
Game Day
Let's Have Some FUN playing games:
RummyQ, Mexican Train, Hand & Foot and Bunco.
Please bring your games to share & BYO snacks/drinks.
Thursday, February 20th 11:30am
Lunch Group
Join us for Lunch. Meet New Friends! Must RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Thursday, February 27th - 3:00pm
Social Hour
Join us for some social time in the Garden Room. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Please RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Saturday, March 1st 10:00am 2:00pm
(Multi Purpose Room)
Boutique Marketplace
Please Come Shop at Our Boutique Marketplace
NEW & Gently Items!
Do you have any Jewelry to Donate?
Tuesday, March 4th 10:00am (Multipurpose Room)
Board Meeting
Join us for our monthly board meeting.
Everyone in the club is welcome!
We'd love to hear your ideas!
Thursday, March 6th 1:30pm - 3:00pm
(LV Garden Room)
Game Day
Let's Have Some FUN playing games:
RummyQ, Mexican Train, Hand & Foot and Bunco.
Please bring your games to share & BYO snacks/drinks.
Thursday, March 13th 1:00pm
(LV Assembly Room)
3rd Annual Health & Wellness Day
Thursday, March 20th 11:30am
Lunch Group
Join us for Lunch. Meet New Friends! Must RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Thursday, March 27th - 3:00pm
Social Hour
Join us for some social time in the Garden Room. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Please RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Tuesday, April 1st 10:00am (Multipurpose Room)
Board Meeting
Join us for our monthly board meeting.
Everyone in the club is welcome!
We'd love to hear your ideas!
Thursday, April 3rd 1:30pm - 3:00pm
(LV Garden Room)
Game Day
Let's Have Some FUN playing games:
RummyQ, Mexican Train, Hand & Foot and Bunco.
Please bring your games to share & BYO snacks/drinks.
Thursday, April 10th 1:00pm
(LV Assembly Room
David Singer, Clarinet Player & Author
From Cab Driver to Carnegie Hall www.SingerClarinet.com
Thursday, April 17th 11:30am
Lunch Group
Join us for Lunch. Meet New Friends! Must RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Thursday, April 24th - 3:00pm
Social Hour
Join us for some social time in the Garden Room. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Please RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Thursday, May 1st 1:30pm - 3:00pm
(LV Garden Room)
Game Day
Let's Have Some FUN playing games:
RummyQ, Mexican Train, Hand & Foot and Bunco.
Please bring your games to share & BYO snacks/drinks.
Tuesday, May 6th 10:00am (Multipurpose Room)
Board Meeting
Join us for our monthly board meeting.
Everyone in the club is welcome!
We'd love to hear your ideas!
Thursday, May 8th 10th 1:00pm
(LV Assembly Room)
Afternoon Tea Fundraiser
Thursday, May 15th 11:30am
Lunch Group
Join us for Lunch. Meet New Friends! Must RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Thursday, May 22nd - 3:00pm
Social Hour
Join us for some social time in the Garden Room. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Please RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Tuesday, June 3rd 10:00am (Multipurpose Room)
Board Meeting
Join us for our monthly board meeting.
Everyone in the club is welcome!
We'd love to hear your ideas!
Thursday, June 5th 1:30pm - 3:00pm
(LV Garden Room)
Game Day
Let's Have Some FUN playing games:
RummyQ, Mexican Train, Hand & Foot and Bunco.
Please bring your games to share & BYO snacks/drinks.
Saturday, June 7th 10:00am 2:00pm
(Multi Purpose Room)
Boutique Marketplace
Please Come Shop at Our Boutique Marketplace
NEW & Gently Items!
Do you have any Jewelry to Donate?
Thursday, June 12th 10th 7:00pm
(LV Assembly Room)
BINGO (evening event)
Thursday, June 19th 11:30am
Lunch Group
Join us for Lunch. Meet New Friends! Must RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Thursday, June 26th - 3:00pm
Social Hour
Join us for some social time in the Garden Room. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Please RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Thursday, July 3rd 1:30pm - 3:00pm
(LV Garden Room)
Game Day
Let's Have Some FUN playing games:
RummyQ, Mexican Train, Hand & Foot and Bunco.
Please bring your games to share & BYO snacks/drinks.
Thursday, July 17th 11:30am
Lunch Group
Join us for Lunch. Meet New Friends! Must RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Thursday, July 24th - 3:00pm
Social Hour
Join us for some social time in the Garden Room. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Please RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Tuesday, August 5th 10:00am (Multipurpose Room)
Board Meeting
Join us for our monthly board meeting.
Everyone in the club is welcome!
We'd love to hear your ideas!
Thursday, August 7th 1:30pm - 3:00pm
(LV Garden Room)
Game Day
Let's Have Some FUN playing games:
RummyQ, Mexican Train, Hand & Foot and Bunco.
Please bring your games to share & BYO snacks/drinks.
Thursday, August 14th 10th 12:30pm
(LV Assembly Room)
Picnic Lunch
Thursday, August 21st 11:30am
Lunch Group
Join us for Lunch. Meet New Friends! Must RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Thursday, August 28th - 3:00pm
Social Hour
Join us for some social time in the Garden Room. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Please RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Tuesday, Sept 2nd 10:00am (Multipurpose Room)
Board Meeting
Join us for our monthly board meeting.
Everyone in the club is welcome!
We'd love to hear your ideas!
Thursday, Sept 4th 1:30pm - 3:00pm
(LV Assembly Room)
Game Day
Let's Have Some FUN playing games:
RummyQ, Mexican Train, Hand & Foot and Bunco.
Please bring your games to share & BYO snacks/drinks.
Thursday, Sept 11th 10th 1:00pm
(LV Assembly Room)
Home Tour
Thursday, Sept 18th 11:30am
Lunch Group
Join us for Lunch. Meet New Friends! Must RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Saturday, Sept 19th or 26th 10:00am 2:00pm
(Multi Purpose Room)
Boutique Marketplace
Please Come Shop at Our Boutique Marketplace
NEW & Gently Items!
Do you have any Jewelry to Donate?
Thursday, Sept 25th - 3:00pm
Social Hour
Join us for some social time in the Garden Room. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Please RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Thursday, Oct 2nd 1:30pm - 3:00pm
(LV Garden Room)
Game Day
Let's Have Some FUN playing games:
RummyQ, Mexican Train, Hand & Foot and Bunco.
Please bring your games to share & BYO snacks/drinks.
Tuesday, Oct 7th 10:00am (Multipurpose Room)
Board Meeting
Join us for our monthly board meeting.
Everyone in the club is welcome!
We'd love to hear your ideas!
Thursday, Oct 9th 10th 7:00pm
(LV Assembly Room)
Lip Sync/Sing Along (evening event)
Thursday, Oct 16th 11:30am
Lunch Group
Join us for Lunch. Meet New Friends! Must RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Thursday, Oct 23rd - 3:00pm
Social Hour
Join us for some social time in the Garden Room. Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Please RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Tuesday, Nov 10th 10:00am (Multipurpose Room)
Board Meeting
Join us for our monthly board meeting.
Everyone in the club is welcome!
We'd love to hear your ideas!
Thursday, Nov 6th 1:30pm - 3:00pm
(LV Garden Room)
Game Day
Let's Have Some FUN playing games:
RummyQ, Mexican Train, Hand & Foot and Bunco.
Please bring your games to share & BYO snacks/drinks.
Thursday, Nov 13th 10th 1:00pm
(LV Assembly Room)
Veteran's Lunch Celebration
Thursday, Nov 20th 11:30am
Lunch Group
Join us for Lunch. Meet New Friends! Must RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.
Tuesday, Dec 2nd 10:00am (Multipurpose Room)
Board Meeting
Join us for our monthly board meeting.
Everyone in the club is welcome!
We'd love to hear your ideas!
Thursday, Dec 4th 1:30pm - 3:00pm
(LV Garden Room)
Game Day
Let's Have Some FUN playing games:
RummyQ, Mexican Train, Hand & Foot and Bunco.
Please bring your games to share & BYO snacks/drinks.
Saturday, Dec 6th or 13th 10:00am 2:00pm
(Multi Purpose Room)
Boutique Marketplace
Please Come Shop at Our Boutique Marketplace
NEW & Gently Items!
Do you have any Jewelry to Donate?
Thursday, December 11th
7:00pm (doors open at 6:30)
LV Assembly Room
Holiday Party
Join Us for some FUN at our Annual Holiday Party
Thursday, Dec 18th 11:30am
Lunch Group
Join us for Lunch. Meet New Friends! Must RSVP to leisurevillagewc@gmail.com.